Running shoes are for running, walking shoes are for walking.
I run marathon and I do not want to wear sneakers when I walk in town. I need proper shoes. With a firm sole. And i can't wear shoes that are too narrow. In the box. For a long time, all shoes for town have a wrong shape and are uncomfortable. That's why I had to create a new shoe.
Wide Enough
The width of the front of the shoe - the box - is very important. Most shoes are too narrow and uncomfortable.
Not For Running
The running shoes and sneakers have mostly a very soft sole, that is bumpy. That's good for running, not for walking But still: the sneakers are otherwise comfortable.
Timeless and placeless
Combining the right width, the right sole and the right materials and packaging them into classical, yet sporty shape. Good for anywhere. Including the office. And post-office. .
Nothing is more important than what you think!
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